Low Spoon Living

Practical tips for navigating daily life with low energy, executive function challenges, and disabilities

What is the spoon theory

The Spoon Theory was created to help explain what it’s like living with a chronic illness or disability. It uses spoons as a metaphor for units of energy. 

When you wake up in the morning, you may not automatically start the day with a full set of spoons like healthy people do. Instead, your body has already spent energy just functioning or managing symptoms, so you have fewer spoons available.

Every activity you do during the day requires some spoons. Getting dressed, showering, making breakfast – they all take energy. You have to carefully budget your limited spoon supply to avoid running out before the end of the day.

As you start running low on spoons, it becomes harder for you to concentrate, perform tasks and make decisions. Once your spoons run out, you’re wiped out, exhausted. You may have to cancel plans or take the next day off to rest and try to recuperate more spoons.

The Spoon Theory helps explain why normal daily activities can be so much more tiring and difficult for some. It provides a way to understand and visualize the limited energy reserves you have to work with every day. So next time you say you’re out of spoons, people may better understand why you can’t do something or need to rest and recharge.

 The Spoon Theory was created by Christine Miserandino. Here is some background information on her:

– Christine Miserandino is an American author, speaker, and advocate for people with chronic illnesses and disabilities. 

– She came up with the Spoon Theory in 2003 to explain to a friend what it felt like to live with lupus, an autoimmune disease she has.

– Miserandino first shared the Spoon Theory on her personal website ButYouDontLookSick.com in a post titled “The Spoon Theory written by Christine Miserandino“.

– This original blog post explaining her theory went viral and resonated with many people dealing with chronic illnesses.

– Miserandino later expanded it into a book called “The Spoon Theory” published in 2010.

– Her website and advocacy work focus on providing support and resources for people living with invisible chronic illnesses.

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